
To Kill A Tweeting Bird (✨Thread's version✨)

A multithreaded tweet scraper based on Selenium that persists tweet information without using the X (formerly Twitter) API.

Sentiment Analysis: Comparative between Machine and Deep Learning techniques

Comparing classical Machine Learning models with Deep Learning techniques.

Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks

Evaluating different RNN architectures to address the Sentiment Analysis task.

Multilingual trend analysis and event detection: Using topic models and clustering methods over Twitter data

Analysing trend words and topics of tweets related to COVID-19 desease and La Palma volcano eruption. Full report here


February 2021 – Present

Data Scientist


I'm working as a data scientist in a consultancy company.
Sept 2019 – Feb 2021

Full-stack developer


Full-stack developer with .NET and Angular technologies.
